Pre-Departure Feelings

There are currently 24 days until I get on a plane to the middle of the pacific for five months.
I am very scared for many reasons

  1. I have never lived so far away from home
  2. I have never lived so far away from home for so long 
  3. I don't know anyone at University of Hawaii at Hilo
  4. FOMO at University of South Carolina and at home
  5. What if I explode in a volcano eruption

But I'm also incredibly excited!!! I get to live in Hawaii for five months--something I'm extremely lucky to be able to do. Learn new things, meet new people, see a gorgeous and culturally unique place. I guess what I'm saying is that as of right now, I'm filled with anticipation: a mixture of fear and excitement. 

My Destination

Missing my long distance boyfriend, missing my friends who spent the Fall semester away, learning about the culture and history of Hawaii, a crazy long plane ride, learning how to scuba, learning how to surf, culture shock, sunburn, learning so much about myself...all buzzing around in my mind. Obviously, being there will change everything and I'm probably overthinking (as per usual) but it's a lot to think about especially during our finals week. 

But it's going to be ok! It's going to be great. 
